voting overview:
Offices on the Ballot: U.S. Senate, U.S. Rep, Governor, State Executives, State Senate and House, State Supreme & Intermediate Court, and other local offices.
Can you register to vote online? Yes.
Can student ID be used? No
Age Requirement to Register to Vote:17 years and 9 months
Polls Open at 7AM and close at 8PM (Find your polling place)
republican presidential caucus:
Any person who completes a State of Alaska Voter Registration Application at the polling place and selects affiliation with the Alaska republican Party will be counted as a registered Republican.
Caucus Date: March 5th ​
democratic presidential primary:
Last Day to Register to Vote (By Mail): Voters who register as a Democrat by February 15th will receive a by-mail ballot and return. By mail ballots must be returned by April 6th.
Last Day to Register to Vote (Electronic / Fax): Voters who register to vote or change their party affiliation to Democrat after February 15th may participate in voting by downloading an online ballot from the state Democratic Party beginning March 25th. The downloadable ballot may be cast electronically, by fax or by mail. Such voters must provide proof of their voter registration as a Democrat from the Division of Elections or submit the appropriate voter registration forms and identification requirements along with their completed ballot. All ballots must be received by 3 p.m. on April 6.
state primary election: ​
Last Day to Register to Vote: July 21st (email, fax, in-person, online, or post-marked by)
Last Day to Request an Absentee Ballot: August 10th (at 5:00pm if requesting online or fax ballot)
Last Day to Return an Absentee Ballot: Postmarked on or before election day, and received by August 30th
Early Voting: August 5th to August 20th
Election Day: August 20th
general election:
Last Day to Register to Vote: 30 days before Election Day
Last Day to Request an Absentee Ballot: must be postmarked 30 days before Election Day
Early Voting: TBD
Election Day: November 5th