voting overview:
Offices on the Ballot: U.S. Senator, Governor, Attorney General, Congress members, State Legislators
Can you register to vote online? No
Age Requirement to Register to Vote:18 years old before next election
Can Student ID be used? Yes
Polls open at: 7AM and close at 7PM.
primary election: ​
Last Day to Register to Vote: February 5th
Last Day to Request an Absentee Ballot: February 27th (email or fax), February 27th (received by post), March 1st (received in-person)
Last Day to Return an Absentee Ballot: March 1st (received in-person), March 5th (received by post)
Early Voting: February 20th to March 4th
Election Day: March 5th
state primary runoff elections: ​
Last Day to Register to Vote: March 3rd
- Last Day to Request an Absentee Ballot: March 26th (by email), March 26th (by post), April 1st (in-person)
- Last Day to Return an Absentee Ballot: April 2nd (in-person), April 2nd 7:30pm CDT (by post)
- Early Voting: March 26th to April 1st (*check with your local election office)
general election:
Last Day to Register to Vote: October 6th
Last Day to Request an Absentee Ballot: October 29th
Early Voting: October 21st to November 4th ​
Election Day: November 5th