voting overview:
Offices on the Ballot: Congress members, Other state executives, State Legislators, State Supreme Court, School boards, Municipal government
Can you register to vote online? Yes
Age Requirement to Register to Vote: 17.5 years old
Can Student ID be used? Yes (from a Georgia public College or University)
Polls Open at 7am and close at 7pm. as long as you are in line by 7pm, you will be able to vote.
primary election: ​
Last Day to Register to Vote: April 22nd (online, by mail, or in person)
Last Day to Request an Absentee Ballot: May 10th
Early Voting: April 29th – May 17th
Election Day: May 21st
general election:
Last Day to Register to Vote: October 7th (online, by mail, or in person)
Last Day to Request an Absentee Ballot: October 25th
Early Voting: October 15th – November 1st ​
Election Day: November 5th
Click the button below to visit VoteRiders for details on voter ID requirements.
Georgia's new law has new requirements for mail in voting, fewer drop boxes, bans non-poll workers from providing drinks and food to those waiting in line to cast their ballot, and invalidating ballots, casted at the wrong precinct that are casted before 5 PM on Election Day. The bill also affirms “mass challenges” to voter eligibility, which means that a person can go into a county clerk's office and seek to have an unlimited number of voters off the rolls deeming them ineligible to vote.
The new Georgia law requires students to request an absentee ballot starting 11 weeks before an election and return them 11 days before the election. Before, students could request absentee ballots 180 days prior to the election and return them on election day.